ICS3 - Introduction (Days 1-4)
Materials and links for the beginning of the course.
Day 1 - Welcome to ICS3! (Click to expand)
First Day of Class Slides (subject to change)
Today's Work - Complete the Following:
Follow these instructions to create a GitHub Account using your @stu.ocsb.ca account.
Complete the Computer Skills Inventory form
Read the Plagiarism Policyโ ย (sign it here)
Login to Typing Club ย (typingclub.com). Use the "Log in with Google" button; use your school account.
Day 2 - The Dust is Settling (Click to expand)
Second Day of Class:
Second Day Slides (subject to change)
What did you miss yesterday?
See "Day 1" above
>ย Please don't get ahead of meย (wait for instructions)
Today's Classwork
Let's get our devices and make sure our accounts work.
Login to GitHub with the account you made yesterday. Did it work? If not - ask a classmate for help.
Login to TypingClub.com with your school Google account (Click the Login with Google button)
Practice typing for ~10 minutes then wait for instruction
ISU in Hapara
You will have a weekly Independent Study task, due at 1:23pm every Friday.
It will be hosted in Hapara Workspace
Start with ISU 0.0 - Can You Follow Instructions?
Day 3 - Why "Computer"? (Click to expand)
What did you miss?
See Days 1 and 2 above, complete any missed work
Today's Classwork
It's ๐ฎ Typing Thursday!ย (typingclub.com)
Grade assembly at 10:10am - wood floor gym ("Tiger Den")
What makes a computer, a computer?
Why is it called a "Computer"?
Let's try thinking through a problem together...
Did you complete ISU 0.0?