Unit 1 - Front-End Development

You've made it through the introduction and now it's on to the main event - programming!

In programming there are two major players - the developer (that's you) and the user (the person who uses your program). We're going to start with what the user sees and interacts with - the "Front End" of the program.

HTML is a method of the displaying content (documents aka pages) on the Internet. Text, images, buttons, input boxes... these are all elements on a page. Once we learn how to create the front end, we will make it interactive by programming the back end with JavaScript.

1.1 - Get Set Up

1.2 - Using VSCode & GitHub

1.3 - Codespaces

1.4 - The World Wide Web

1.5 - HTML Basics

1.6 - Lists, Tables, & Images

1.7 - Relative vs. Absolute Path

1.8 - Cascading Style Sheets

Unit 1 Assessment - A Website

You will notice that our lessons are under construction. This course is always changing, thanks to the technology constantly changing. Please check back often for updates.

As always - lessons and timing are subject to change as we build this course together for the first time!
Check the course calendar if you're not sure what lesson we are on.