Ch 3Polynomial Functions

Check the course calendar for any important dates.

3.1 - Exploring Polynomial Functions

(printed note/activity - class requires a device)

Practice Questions:

pg. 127 # 1-5 

3.1 Exploring Polynomial Functions

3.2 - Characteristics of Polynomials

Practice Questions:

pg. 136 # 1-13, 15

3.1 & 3.2 - Polynomial Functions and Their Characteristics

3.3 - Polynomials in Factored Form

Practice Questions:

pg. 146 # 1-4, 6-8, 9ab, 10, 12, 13, 14 (just determine the value of k) 

3.3 - Polynomial Functions in Factored Form

3.4 - Transformations of Cubic and Quartic F'ns

Practice Questions:

pg. 155 #1-11 

3.4 - Transformations of Cubic and Quartic Functions

Mid-Chapter Review
(good extra practice)

p161 # 1-9

3.5 - Dividing Polynomials (2 days)

Practice Questions:

Day 1 - pg. 168 # 2, 4, 5abd, 6abc

Day 2 - pg. 169 #5cef, 6def, 7-11, 14, 15  

expect a quiz!

3.5 - Dividing Polynomials

3.6 - Factoring Polynomials (2 days)

Practice Questions:

Day 1 - pg. 170 # 12, 13
- pg. 176 # 2-4, 6abc

Day 2 - pg. 176 # 5, 6def, 7-10, 12-14

3.6 - Factoring Polynomials

3.7 - Factoring a Sum or Difference of Cubes

Practice Questions:

pg. 182 # 2-9

3.7 - Factoring Sum and Difference of Cubes

Chapter 3 Review

pg. 184 # 1-18

Sample Test Questions

Ch 3 Review

Chapter 3 Test

Check the course calendar for dates