2.4.1 - Circuits
This is a two-part lesson. This first day is a fair amount of listening and learning while the second day is more hands-on.
Day 1 - Goal
Practice creating circuits and viewing circuit diagrams
a "closed circuit" is a complete loop with some sort of power supply moving electrons
we need enough "voltage drop" in the loop to ensure all the components work to specification
V = I x R Β or Β R = V Γ· I
The Plan
Discuss Conventional Current vs. Electron Flow - watch this video from 3:44 until 6:50
Discuss DC vs AC current - continue watching the above video until 9:30
Get our hands on a breadboard and jumper wires
watch video, "How to Use a Breadboard"
Your Task
Join my Tinkcad Circuits class: www.tinkercad.com/joinclass/2NP8UXSR2
Then go to tinkercad.com/circuits
Learn how to use Tinkercad Circuits
Utilize your knowledge of electricity, Ohm's law, and a circuit to virtually turn on a LED in Tinkercad
Add a small breadboard
Add a 9 V battery
Add one LED (not RGB)Β (see the photo below for specifications)
Add a resistor and set it to the correct value in Ξ©
Wire up the circuit so that the LED lights up but does not break
Can you adjust the circuit so that you have 3 LEDs (R, G, B) lit properly?
Do you know the difference between a series and parallel circuit?
LED Specifications:
Remember - 20 mA is 0.02 A
To view the circuit diagram:
TEJ2O: 2.4.1 - Circuits