Chapter 9 -Β Combining Functions
9.2 - Combining Two Functions:
Sums and Differences
9.2 - Combining Two Functions:
Sums and Differences
f(x) + g(x) f(x) - g(x)
Practice Questions:
pg. 528 # 1bcf, 2, 3, 5 (graph f + g), 6, 7, 9ac (do by hand), 10, 12, 15

9.3/9.4 - Combining Two Functions:
Products and Quotients
9.3/9.4 - Combining Two Functions:
Products and Quotients
f(x) Γ g(x) f(x) Γ· g(x)
Practice Questions:
pg. 537 # 1bde, 3, 4bcef, 5bcef (domain only), 7-11, 14
pg. 542 # 1

9.5 - Composition of Two Functions
9.5 - Composition of Two Functions
f(x) β g(x) f(g(x))
Practice Questions:
pg. 552 # 1-4, 5ae, 6abce (domain only), 7-11, 14