1.6 - Lists, Tables, & Images
Reminder - next TUESDAY, the 24th is a school mass. Come to class for attendance and then we will walk to the church together.
Today's lesson is a live demo. If you miss class, ask a classmate or click the links below to learn independently.
Today's Goals
By the end of this class we will have discussed and practiced:
How to properly use images on your site (hello, copyright)
Why not to "hotlink" to someone else's picture
Introduce tag attributesΒ (src, alt, width, etc)
How to make our webpage live on the Internet
Being curious is how you learn!
Entire list of tags by category and by alphabet
You could read through the HTML syntax guide
Have a look at proper indenting of an HTML page
Reuse the 1.5 code repository - you've already started a page, let's add to it.