Unit 2 - Functions

Lessons and timing are subject to change. Check the course calendar.

This second unit will teach us how (and why) to compartmentalize our code into smaller mini-programs, called functions. In fact, we've been using functions already - but now we will learn to create our own.

Functions Slides (created by Gr. 12's)

2.1 - What is a Function?  // If you've taken functions in math, this will be easier

2.2 - The Return Statement  // Giving back a value (output from the function)

2.3 - Variable Scope  // Where do variables "live" in our code?

Review Unit 2  // Let's review what we've learned

Unit 2 Summative Assessment // Show me what you got!

That was too easy - Extra Task! // Was the assessment too easy? Try this.

🐿️ - NTS:

- Break into smaller lessons for next year (especially 2.1).
Working draft:
- 2.1 - What is a Function?
- 2.2 - Parameters (and Arguments)
- 2.3 - Scope
- 2.4 - Default Parameters
- 2.5 - The return Statement
- Add small intros before links to GitHub items
(what's the nicest way to display a lesson?)
- Slides?
- Scrims?
- Both?