C - Creating a Repository

By the end of class you will have:

Tracking Files

Our file(s) are there but not being tracked by Git and the Git system knows it.

Let's add all the files in our folder to the Git tracking:  git add *

Alternatively, you can add only the files you want:  git add main.js

Now let's see the status:  git status

Committing Files

We've told Git to track the files but we haven't made a snapshot yet. In fact, Git is telling us this with "No commits yet" and listing our file(s) as "new". Right now the file(s) have been staged - they're ready to be committed.

Creating a snapshot - or saving your results to the Git repository - is called committing. You create a commit for each new file or changed file in your folder. In this repo we probably only have one file - main.js (or whatever you named your script file). If you added other files to the folder, they will also be listed.

Let's commit these changes (the newly tracked files) to our repo:  git commit -m "First Commit"

The command git commit tells Git to store all changes that are currently staged. Staging is important - we'll talk more about it later.

The -m "First Commit" part of the command is optional but it's important to give a brief description of each commit in order to find moments in time. Without this option, Git will ask us to put a message.


Let's change one of the files. Copy and paste the code to the right into your JavaScript file.

Now let's check the status:  git status

Git will tell you that changes were found but have not been staged. The staging area allows us to prepare a commit. Maybe you only want to snapshot some changes. Or maybe you want to put a message for a commit of each file. If you accidentally setup a file for a commit in the staging area, you can unstage it before it gets committed!

Let's stage the file for a commit:  git add main.js

Now our file is staged for a commit. Yup - it's that simple. 

Let's commit it!   git commit -m "Added the useless parrot"

Note - If you want to skip the staging (not recommended) you can go directly to the commit with the -a option:  git commit -a -m "I skipped staging"

function useless_parrot(message) {

    console.log("🦜 '", message, "'");


Git Log

All of the commits (and your description) can be seen by running git log without any extra options. Try it!

Congratulations - you have a local repository that tracks your changes whenever you commit those changes to memory!

"Sir - is there no graphical user interface for doing all this?"

"Yes... yes there is. But I think it's important to get good with the terminal commands."