💻 B - How Do We Code?

Now that you have a GitHub account, please submit this form to Mr. Brash.

By the end of this class you will have:

How do we even "code"?

⚠️ This is an intro course - we will start at the beginning. 

Think you already know how to code? Pay attention - you might learn something.

📖 Programming (aka "coding") is the process of giving instructions to the computer in a step-by-step manner. This style is called procedural programming. The instructions sometimes look like gibberish or a secret code

☝️ Keep in mind - the computer can only do what you tell it to do.

🧠 Think of the instructions that you would give someone to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

🎗️ Using AI is not learning. In fact, it's lying.

In order to program, we need to setup our computer.

Follow along with Mr. Brash, but if you miss class - the instructions are here.