Unit 2 - The Internet

Now that we know what a computer is and how they work - let's discuss the connection of multiple computational devices on a network. A world-wide network.

As always - lessons and timing are subject to change as we build this course together for the first time!
Check the course calendar if you're not sure what lesson we are on.

Some sections might take multiple days. Most of these lessons will be in-class activities or discussions.
Check the course calendar or speak with your teacher.

2.1 - What is the Internet?

2.2 - How the Internet Works  (in-class)

2.3 - The Need for Addressing  (in-class)

2.4 - Packets  (in-class)

2.5 - Webpages, Email, Streaming Media, Apps  (in-class)

2.4 - Internet, Computer, & Personal Safety  (in-class)